It is widely acknowledged that women should be represented in national and supranational political bodies at least as much as men. There are many provisions, stemming either from regulation or from self-regulation (e.g., within political parties), designed to meet this need. Still, in most countries, we are far from equal political representation between men and women. Although female representation is valuable as a fact in itself, investigating its actual impact on advancing the process toward gender equality is also important. And, clearly, the adoption of ad hoc legislation can contribute to this advancement in a fundamental way. Against this backdrop, the volume addresses the ambitious question of whether a growth in female representation (in a sample of comparable European countries) strengthens the adoption of legislative measures aimed at reducing the gap between men and women. In doing so, this volume will provide valuable insights to those who wish to make a convincing case for increasing both the political representation of women and the adoption of legislative measures to improve their status.
LAURA ZOBOLI (ed.), Women’s Political Power And Adoption Of Legislative Measures For Gender-Equality, Napoli, 2023, 194 pagine