Call for papers – Final Conference of the Jean Monnet Module on EU Specialized Judicial Protection – Ferrara, January 2024

di Patrizia De Pasquale

In July 2023, the Jean Monnet Module on EU Specialized Judicial Protection has published the Common Database on EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal, namely the first one-stop search engine that collects all decisions taken since 2018 by the Boards of Appeal established so far, together with the judgments, orders and opinions adopted by the General Court and the Court of Justice by way of appeal.

The Jean Monnet Module on EU Specialized Judicial Protection launches a call for papers to collect innovative studies that, moving from an analysis of the BoAs’ case-law and their impact on the enforcement of EU Law, shed new light on their role and on the possible evolution of the EU system of judicial protection.

Selected papers will be presented at the Final Conference of the Jean Monnet Module on EU Specialized Judicial Protection, which will be held at the University of Ferrara in January 2024 with a high-level line-up of speakers from Academia, EU institutions and the Boards of Appeal themselves.

Practical information

Please send a 500 words abstract of your paper together with a short CV to
Abstract can be written in English, Italian or French; however, if selected, the research shall be presented in English, which will be the working language of the Conference.
Who can apply?
The call is open to early career academics (up to 35 years old) and practitioners.
Deadline for the call
15 October 2023. Authors will be notified of decisions no later than 30 October 2023. If your abstract is selected, a full paper will be due by 15 December 2023. Papers shall be no longer than 8000 words and can be written in English, Italian or French.
Selected papers will be proposed for publication in the Final Conference’s proceedings, which will be published in a high-level scientific Journal as Special Issue. Travel and accommodation expenses of Authors of selected abstracts will be reimbursed according to the Jean Monnet financial settlements.


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