Call for papers – “Verba volant, sed imperant? The legal challenges of EU Communication”, University of Ferrara, September 2024

di Patrizia De Pasquale

Abstract of 500 words should be submitted by 30 June 2024 to, together with a short CV. Abstract can be written in English, Italian or French. The call is open to early career academics (up to 35 years old) and practitioners. Authors will be notified of decisions no late than 7 July 2024. There will also be a Round Table on governance, the impact, and the consequences of communication within the European Union with Raffaella De Marte (European Parliament), Telmo Baltazar (European Commission), Stefaan van der Jeught (Court of Justice of the European Union), Paul Gordon (ECB), Damijan Fišer (European Court of Auditors).
Tutte le informazioni relative alla Conferenza, quali le modalità di registrazione, il calendario dei lavori, le Relatrici e i Relatori sono disponibili al seguente link del sito ufficiale della Cattedra.


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