Gentile G., Two Strings to One Bow? Article 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU Competition Case Law: Between Procedural and Substantive Fairness, in Market and Competition Law Review, vol. IV, issue 2, 2021 di Angela Correra 16 Maggio 2021 Leggi
Pezza A., The European Green Deal: Shaping environmentally friendly policies under Article 101 TFEU, in Market and Competition Law Review, vol. IV, issue 2, 2021 di Angela Correra 16 Maggio 2021 Leggi
Massa C., New CPC Regulation and ECN+ Directive: The powers of National Authorities in the fields of consumer protection and antitrust, in Market and Competition Law Review, vol. IV, issue 2, 2021 di Angela Correra 16 Maggio 2021 Leggi
Villani L., To be agents or not to be agents, that is the question: The impact of the online platforms revolution on the notion of agency under EU competition law, in Market and Competition Law Review, vol. IV, issue 2, 2021 di Angela Correra 16 Maggio 2021 Leggi
Andreangeli A., Taxi Services, platforms and Article 101 TFEU: changing the shape of the transport intermediation services industry?, in Market and Competition Law Review, vol. IV, issue 2, 2021 di Angela Correra 16 Maggio 2021 Leggi
Biondi A., Governing the Interregnum: State Aid Rules and the COVID-19 Crisis, in Market and Competition Law Review, vol. IV, issue 2, 2021 di Angela Correra 16 Maggio 2021 Leggi
Falce V., Private Enforcement and Legal Privilege Versus Convergency, in Market and Competition Law Review, vol. IV, issue 1, 2020 di Angela Correra 16 Maggio 2021 Leggi
Vezzoso S., All Happy Families are Alike: The EDPS’ Bridges Between Competition and Privacy, in Market and Competition Law Review, vol. IV, issue 1, 2020 di Angela Correra 16 Maggio 2021 Leggi